Reg. Hypnotherapist & NLP Trainer with over years experience
09 360 1111
48 Bellevue Road, Mt Eden, Auckland
Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis and NLP use gentle and natural ways to access the power of the subconscious mind to make positive changes. Dave Gilbert has been helping clients for over 28 years, first in London and since 1998 in Auckland. As well as adult clients, Dave has worked with many children and teenagers. Dave usually records a hypnotherapy CD on the first session that can be used on a daily basis for relaxation and to reinforce postive suggestions. Clients that Dave has helped have presented a very wide range of problems. Here are some examples where hypnosis, hypnotherapy and NLP have helped.
Nicotine addiction
Unwanted habit more on stopping smoking and vaping
Sleep walking and talking
Night terrors
Bed Wetting
Snoring more on sleep...
Alcohol: control binge drinking, alcoholism, problem drinking
Drugs: P, marijuana
Chocolate, coca cola, coffee more on alcohol, habits & addictions...
Quit gambling, pokies machines, racing, sport, tables, internet gambling
Take control of your money more on gambling, pokies etc...
Lose Weight: overeating, eating problems, eating healthily
Chocolate, sugar addiction
Motivation for exercise more on weight loss...
Habits: nail biting, hair pulling, eyelash or eyebrow plucking (trichotillomania), scratching
Relaxation and stress management - self hypnosis
Physical issues: skin problems, pain management, IBS
Fertility, child birth
Sexual issues: lack of arousal, performance anxiety, premature ejaculation
Pornography addiction
Addictions: drugs, marijuana, chocolate, coca cola, coffee, shopping, sex, spending, computer games, video games, smart phones more on health...
Anxiety: general or specific; OCD
Phobias such as fear of flying, needles, heights, birds, social phobia, driving
Panic attacks in many situations eg driving, swimming, diving, flying or for no reason more...
Confidence, self esteem, self belief, social confidence
Confidence in public speaking, presentations, speeches, meetings
Developing communication skills more on confidence...
Sports performance: golf, tennis, cycling, swimming, triathalon, iron man, bowls, running
Study performance, learning and exams: memory, focus, concentration, organisation
Music, stage performance
Interviews: confidence, communication & presentation skills
Motivation, setting and achieving goals more on achieving goals...
Dave Gilbert also helps clients with solution oriented NLP Coaching for personal, professional and business development, sports performance and relationship issues.
"I have been alcohol free since the session [4 months ago] and feel really good.... thank you."J 2016
"... I just want to say thank you for helping me and my husband. You've completely changed our lives!" J 2015
"... I have been smoke free now for 55 days and I am so happy ..." L 2017