Quit Smoking - Quit Vaping: Stay Smokefreee & Vapefree - Hypnosis Hypnotherapy & NLP with Dave Gilbert PhD in Auckland NZ

Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & NLP are becoming increasingly popular to help to quit smoking and vaping.  Over the years I have helped many clients to stop smoking and stay smoke free; more recently I have worked with clients to stop vaping.  But you have to make the decision to stop smoking or vaping.  Hypnosis, hypnotherapy & NLP may help you to succeed with smoking & vaping cessation and be smokefree & vapefree for life.

The Risks of Smoking - the Benefits of Quitting

The dangers of smoking cigarettes and cigars are well known. In New Zealand smoking causes the premature death of around 5,000 people a year - more than 10 times the number who die on the roads. The dangers result from the thousands of toxic chemicals contained in tobacco smoke. These include arsenic, hydrogen cyanide, lead, DDT, ammonia, carbon monoxide. Toxic chemicals in the smoke can cause cancer, emphysema, heart disease and blindness.

Nicotine is highly addictive, some say as addictive as heroin - so it feels even more rewarding when you quit smoking. Imagine the benefits: healthier, fitter, better skin, and the extra money you save - smoking 20 a day can cost you over $15,000 a year.  Clients tell me they feel better about themselves too having taken control back often after trying for years.

The Risks of Vaping - the Benefits of Quitting

Vaping has been used to help people quit smoking but more people are starting their relationship with nicotine by vaping.  There is increasing evidence that vaping can cause health risks, it is expensive and being a victim to nicotine is not a good look!  There is also a risk that ex-smokers will go back to smoking or new nicotine users will convert to smoking.  It is great to take control back and be kind to your body.  

How Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & NLP can Help

A lot people have successfully used hypnosis, hypnotherapy & NLP to help to stop smoking or vaping, let go of nicotine addiction and to stay smokefree, vapefree  - but you need to be committed!  People often find that hypnotherapy & NLP reduce or eliminate withdrawal symptoms and craving, help with relaxation and reinforce determination - this can make smoking or vaping cessation much easier.

Some of my clients are ready to give up smoking or vaping straight away on the first session but for others there is a need to cut down first and then quit - usually by the next session.  Some clients also come in for a follow up session once they stop smoking or vaping to use hypnosis, hypnotherapy & NLP to reinforce all the positive changes.

As an addicted smoker or vaper you are a victim to nicotine. Take control back and be a winner. Find out how good it really can feel to stop smoking and be smoke free for life!


"Message for Dave Gilbert - I had an appointment with you on May 23rd [2017] and I have been cigarette free from that hour onwards!  After 40+ years of smoking this approach was my last hope so I'm very grateful.  There is no going back now.  R 2017"


"Dear Dave, ..... A massive thanks for your help and expertise.  You set me up so well to cease vaping.  I go days without even thinking about it now.  Thank you ...."  L 2021



Stop Smoking!

To book your First Session or to make an appointment for a Free Initial Consultation please call 

09 360 1111


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What Clients Say

"... I have been smoke free for 55 days now and I am so happy..." L 2017

"...since that session I have been smoke free... and I am so pleased... I feel so much more alive" M 2010

"As I knew a couple of career smokers that Dave had cured I went along... with an open mind." E 2014

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